Thursday, December 30, 2010

Half way there!!

I just had my 3rd treatment that means, only 3 more left!! I'm half way there!!

Last night I was feeling pretty stomach was burning and I couldn't really eat I popped in an extra anti-nausea pill and that definitely helped! Now today, not so nauseous anymore, but pretty sleepy....not myself at all.

I'll go get my very expensive injection later this evening (to help keep my white blood cell count up), and then I'll jump straight back into bed :) Usually I just live in my pj's these first few days after my treatment.....its pretty sweet!


  1. Way to go Kristal!!!!!!! Half way there that's so huge!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Almost there baby girl - hang in there :)
    You're so beautiful inside and out - btw you rock the new look sweetie with your beautiful face.
    God bless you K,
    Karen T.
