Monday, December 20, 2010

It's gone!!!

I am writing to let you know that the time has come...........all my hair is gone!!!

It didn't go out without a fight, I can tell you that! My hair lasted alot longer than I expected.....I guess cause I have/ had so much of it!! Once I noticed it starting to drop, I refused to wash my hair, and tried not to touch it. I wanted to keep my funky hair-do for as long as possible.

But finally, it just became too much. There was so much hair on my pillow one morning when I woke up, that I decided I just had to shave it all off that day. My brother and boyfriend had a little too much fun with this, and here are the pics of them making me look ridiculous!

This is the final product:

I couldn't help but laugh at myself!

Then my fuzzy head started to look quite patchy (why doesn't the hair fall out evenly dammit!!). I looked like a Chia pet gone I shaved it even shorter!

Now its almost all gone....I do still have some fuzzies that refuse to come out. I would much rather prefer it to all be gone, so I could rock a nice smooth bald head. But they say not to shave it all the way down because since my hair is not growing, this could cause pieces to still be stuck in my scalp which could cause problems, and be quite annoying. Here is what I look like now (not many people get to see my baldness, so consider yourself lucky!! :P):

For now I'm using my wigs and hats when I go out. Those who have seen my baldness have commented on what a nicely shaped head I have though ;) I must say, I'm still cute bald! ;) Hehe....well I'm not as horrified as I thought I would be. But can't wait to get my hair back!


  1. You look BEAUTIFUL!! :) Rock it out!!

  2. Kristal! I love it!!
    Your current look it like former Kanye's g/f... Amber Rose?
    Rock it girl! Come for a shoot!!



  3. Ditto on the Amber Rose look. Thumbs up.

  4. You look awesome!!!
    Love you and missing you....

  5. I didn't know who Amber Rose was so I had to look her up....she's pretty hot, so THANKS ;)

  6. Agreed with Amber Rose comments... except you're a bit better behaved!


  7. Kristal,
    You are beautiful, hair or not. I know the hair loss transition was difficult for my mom, so I hope that you are remembering to treat yourself like a queen and reflect on all of the things that make up your beauty. . . your eyes, your smile, your kindness, your compassion, . . . I could go on.


  8. Keep up the positive attitude and smile. You look lovely with the big earrings and properly shaped head.

    Love & Hugs, Your cousin Cynthia.

  9. You are gorgeous - no matter what. Because your beauty come from the inside....

    I just found out and started reading your are amazing to say the very least.

    You're inspiring me.

  10. I don't know what's more (with or without the hair) or your amazing personality and outlook!
    You truly are an inspiration.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Lots of love
