Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that I'm doing OK!!!
My first treatment was yesterday. I went in, got the chemo through an IV, and everything went smoothly. The nurse was really nice, and I have a "hospital friend" named Helen who stayed with me throughout the time I was there (She is an older lady who volunteers at the hospital...very knowledgeable as she's been through chemo 4 times already!). I was there for a total of about 3 hours, and then cabbed it home with mummy after.
I didn't feel much at first, but became a bit sleepy, so ended up just laying in bed as I got home. And even though I had 3 different anti-nausea tables before the chemo, I still got pretty nauseous and dizzy after a little while! This part definitely wasn't fun! I was in and out of sleep, and kept tuning into every little change I felt in my body. My heart felt like it was pounding at one time, and my toes tingled and become numb a little bit. I didn't like the changes, cause I knew these drugs in my body were attacking everything and there was nothing I could do about it! I felt anxious thinking about having to go through this for 5 more treatments, and realized why alot of people mentioned that I just have to stick it out.....I was already thinking "How am I going to make it through all of this??"
But I was also told, take it a day at a time! So that's what I am doing. This morning I woke up feeling much better! Not normal......but not horrible. I went back to the hospital for another drug: an injection which will help keep up my white blood cell count (It cost $3,000 CDN for this one shot!! Thank god for insurance!!).
I'm so happy that it hasn't been too bad as yet for me.....and even though there's a chance it could get worse, I'm praying that yesterday was as bad as it gets.
Thanks for all the support!
Thanks for the update, Kristal. It does sound like it was a bit scary, but you're right. . . one day at a time! Lots of love to you!
Kristal, thank you for the update and taking time for letting us know! I'm glad you are handling it well, love you, keep up your attitude! :-) XOXO